Hello World Program Android | First Android App | Android Breakdown

Want to make an Android App on your own ?

If yes, than you are at right place to learn steps to make you first android app. Just follow some steps with ease and you will definitely learn something about android app and studio. It is never too tough to start something so let's get started.

Step 1 : Open Android Studio and select "Start a new Android Studio project".

Mayadi - A knowledge Source
Select a new Android Studio project option

Step 2 : Select directory where you want to keep project files.

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Select Directory

Step 3 : Enter Application name and package name whatever you want.

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Enter Application Name & Package Name
Note : Don't use "android" and "example" keywords in package name because google play doesn't allow these keywords in package name.

Step 4 : Click next and select minimum SDK for your app. Here we will select API 15 as minimum SDK.

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Select Minimum SDK version

Step 5 : Click next and you will see different types of activities to create. For this time we will select "Empty Activity", which creates a simple activity than click on Next.

Mayadi - A knowledge Source
Select Empty Activity

Step 6 : Click on Finish to complete the wizard.

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Click on Finish

Step 7 : Now wait for development screen to appear and click on play button.

Mayadi - A knowledge Source
Android Studio Play Button

Note : Don't forgot to run genymotion emulator before clicking on play button. if you want to know that how to install genymotion ? See here.

Step 8 : Select your genymotion emulator device from "Choose a running device" and click on OK.

Mayadi - A knowledge Source
Select Device to run App

That's it, Here is your first android "Hello World!!" App.

Mayadi - A knowledge Source
First Hello World App
